I. Title IV Compliance

The Office of Financial Aid at Elmira College is responsible for ensuring institutional compliance with Federal financial aid programs as authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Penelope Appenzellar
Director of Financial Aid
Elmira College
One Park Place
Elmira, NY 14901

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II. Title IX Compliance

As a recipient of federal funds, Elmira College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. & 1681 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education program or activities. Pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”), the College also prohibits domestic/dating violence and stalking where it impacts or has the potential to impact the educational or employment environment of a College community member. The College will advise complainants of their rights under Title IX and will take steps necessary to prevent harassment and to correct its discriminatory effects, as appropriate.

Elmira College's Title IX and Gender Discrimination and Sexual and Other Misconduct Policies can be found here.The Title IX Coordinator's contact information is listed below:

Larry Parker II
Title IX Coordinator
Elmira College
One Park Place
McGraw Hall, Room 114
Elmira, NY 14901
Office: (607) 735-1930
Email: lparker@rrmbaojie.com 

Important Links

III. Clery Compliance

The Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Campus Security are responsible for maintaining all student conduct files and preparing the annual Security Report.

Important Links

IV. Annual Disclosures

V. Higher Education Reauthorization Act

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